Sergeant Bill Preston of the Northwest Mounted Police sets out to maintain law and order in the Yukon, during the gold rush where Stampeders were bent on digging and panning for riches. Claim jumpers, fur thieves, and vengeful natives were among the many challenges of the Yukon. The death of his father, by the hands of the notorious Spike Wilson, was responsible for Preston's admission to the Force. Along the way he saved the lives of innocents, exposed the con men, and raced to the rescue in a wild blizzard in a tale for the ages.
Contrary to popular belief, very little has been documented about the long-running radio program, which was broadcast from 1939 to 1955. Because the radio broadcasts were never recorded until 1943, the first four years have been virtually unexplored. Tom Dougall, inspired by the tales of Jack London, was the sole writer and established a mythos and epic that no one is aware of -- until now. Before Yukon King there was Mogo, but a passing of the torch presented a different origin of Yukon King that was later explored in 1951 and 1953. Preston's first sidekick, Terry Shea, suffered exposure at the hands of criminals, making way for a new sidekick, a French-Canadian named Pierre.
Such details are not documented anywhere. Recent reading and review of all the 1939 radio scripts verified the epic that was so good it had to be adapted into a novel. Along the way, Preston's vendetta against Spike Wilson, and historical perspective, bridges the scenes to provide a novel worthy of reading. If you are a fan of CHALLENGE OF THE YUKON (a.k.a. SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON), this novel will provide you with the 1939 epic that does not exist in recorded form.